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18 September 2023

5 %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2 1280%D1%85460

The ability to draw coolly while maintaining the company’s style is a key skill for an artist. However, there are other skills without which, according to expert Tatiana Nazhimova, you can fail a job interview in gamemadev.

Tatiana Nazhimova is a 2D artist with eight years of experience in mobile game development. Now as a Senior Artist, she works with CM Games and through her experience, she explains how life works for gamemade companies and helps aspiring artists feel more confident in the industry.

About what other skills, in addition to professional skills, an artist should have, read in the article.

The material was released as part of the special project Map of Professions from Skills Up School.

Interested in technology

Utilize 3D bolsters, photos, procedural generation – anything that will make it easier and faster. Boldly tell the employer that you are interested in technology and show in your portfolio how you know how to use it, that you keep up with the times.

That way he will realize that you value his time/money and are willing to work for results.

Concentrate on individuality

Here’s an example. Challenge Draw it in your style reflects this concept: you copy the original, but in your execution it becomes unique. You convey your vision of an already familiar idea by creating it anew.

What about the requirement for companies to draw in a given style? Yes, this is one of the key skills of an artist these days that you learn in courses or on your own. It does not contradict the above: you draw according to the rules of the chosen style, adding your own design to the work. Design is WHAT we draw, style is HOW we draw.

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Be able to communicate effectively

The higher the position on the career ladder, the more weight soft skills will carry, so little by little, rock these skills as well.

The interview tests basic communication, such as whether you are comfortable talking to someone, whether you will fit in well with the team, and how you see your future within the company.

Meet deadlines

Throughout the hiring process, the company will evaluate your reliability. Complete tasks on time, and if for some reason you don’t meet the deadline, give advance notice so your credibility will grow.

If you violate deadlines or ignore feedback edits without explanation, your value as a professional is diminished.

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Play games

If you want to be on trend and have your art look modern, you need to play games. Being able to find and analyze competitors ‘ games is a very valuable skill for an artist for games – it allows you to understand and apply the best solutions that will make the game more desirable.

Start your way into gamemaking at Skills Up School – enroll in 2D and 3D graphics courses in Moscow, St. Petersburg and online. You can choose your courses here.

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