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18 September 2023

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It’s Skills Up School, and once again we’re telling you where to start as an artist on their journey into gamemade. We have already written that an artist should be interested in technology – it is one of the most valuable qualities of a professional. In addition, you will be working with basic software that helps you organize tasks and time.

Usually new employees are introduced to common software in the first few days, but if you know how to use it right away, it will add to your score in the interview. After all, the other candidates need to be trained, and you already know how to do everything!

Our expert Tatiana Nazhimova* has prepared a list of the most common in the gaming industry programs and applications for communication within the company – read about them in the article.

*Tatiana Nazhimova is a 2D artist with eight years of experience in mobile game development. Now as a Senior Artist, she works with CM Games and through her experience, she explains how life works for gamemade companies and helps aspiring artists feel more confident in the industry.

– Companies usually form their own internal ecosystem that can be accessed through an email that is tailor-made for you. This includes the mailbox itself, a file sharing system, messenger, video chat, event calendar – all included in a regular Google account, and businesses are eager to utilize these services. You’ll also get access to a task tracker, you’ll be given licensed niche applications such as Adobe, Autodesk and others.

Some employers provide an employee website, a virtual knowledge base – the list of programs and applications varies depending on the company, its size, number of departments and employees.

I’ll tell you about some of them.

Task trackers: Jira, Source tree, Asana and others

Jira %D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F %D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B0 2560x920 1

The task tracker is the primary tool for synchronizing work in production. In the trackers, you’ll see all of your team’s tasks, and your lead will help customize the display of your tasks specifically.

There will probably be one task at first, but as you get the hang of it, the list will gradually expand. Inside each task you will find a description, how to complete it, screenshots with references, work result requirements, and deadlines.

You’ll keep tasks up to date on their status – open, in progress, or completed. You may be asked to post the process at the end of each workday in the form of screenshots with a description.

Chats: Slack, Discord, Skype, Telegram

Chat rooms are the most accessible way to get information. All calls with colleagues during the day, all formal and non-formal discussions take place here. In them is the basic life of the collective.

You will find there all company employees, project chats, production department chats and so on. Most large companies use Slack as the most convenient platform.

discord %D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F %D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B0 2560x920 1

By the way, Skills Up School students communicate on Discord – they have both study chats and just chat rooms to communicate with each other, where you can ask for advice for aspiring artists from more experienced classmates and mentors.

This is especially true for online courses when everyone lives in different cities.
Choose courses in Drawing, 2D-graphics, 3D-graphics.
and join our friendly community!


You will receive official information, documents in letters. Don’t forget to check it regularly!

Website for employees

This is a closed portal where you can find information about each employee, request documents, apply for vacation or notify of sick time off. Your page contains personal information, including sensitive information that only specific individuals have access to. Not all companies have a corporate website, but over time, I think this practice will spread.

Virtual knowledge base

It contains the accumulated experience of employees throughout the company’s operation, as well as external materials. They can be presented in various forms: speeches, presentations, training courses, books, videos, lectures, archived closed projects, and so on. This archive is constantly being added to, and someday you will contribute too.

The material was released as part of the special project Map of Professions from Skills Up School.

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