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offer contract


(edition of 01.12.2023)


1.1. This document is an offer to any physical persons who have reached the age of 18 years to conclude with the Individual Entrepreneur Azat Mansurovich Nurgaleev Nurgaleev (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) a contract for the provision of services on the terms and conditions set out below.

1.2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), in case of acceptance of the conditions set forth below, the person making acceptance of this offer becomes the Customer. In this regard, please read the text of this public offer carefully. If you do not agree with any clause of the offer, the Provider offers you to refuse to use the services.

1.3. In order to accept the offer, the Customer must select a service from the list of services provided on the website
(hereinafter referred to as the Website), and make a full or partial prepayment, if the possibility of partial prepayment follows from the description of the service on the Website.

1.4. Full payment for the service on the Website or making a prepayment means full and unconditional agreement with the terms of this offer and the conclusion of the Customer with the Contractor of the contract on the terms set out below.

1.5. This Contract, when executed, shall also be deemed to be a Statement of Services. Acceptance of the rendered services shall be made by the Customer without signing the relevant act.

1.6. The Contractor reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Offer unilaterally without prior notice to the Customer by publishing the said changes on the Website. At the same time, the new / amended terms and conditions indicated on the Website shall only apply to newly concluded Contracts.

1.7. The Contractor and the Customer shall provide mutual guarantees of their legal and legal capacity necessary for the conclusion and execution of this Agreement.



2.1. For the purposes of this Offer, the following terms are used with the following meaning:

Offer – this public Contract-Offer for the provision of services to the Customer. Web site – website
where this Offer is posted.

Services – Services rendered by the Contractor, the content and terms of rendering of which are given on the Website, which the Customer intends to receive.

Acceptance of the Offer – full and unconditional acceptance of this public Offer by taking actions to receive the Service and making its payment. Customer – a person who has accepted this Offer on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Agreement – this Agreement between the Customer and the Contractor for rendering Services, which is concluded by means of Acceptance of this Offer.


3.1. The subject of this Offer is to provide the Customer with information and consulting services aimed at forming his artistic skills in accordance with the description chosen by the Customer from the list on the Website.



4.1. The cost of the service and the payment procedure are specified on the Website. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of the Contractor. The price is fixed for the Customer after prepayment or full payment has been made.

4.2. The Customer undertakes to pay for the services rendered in the amount and within the terms stipulated by this contract.

4.3. Payment for the Services is made by the Customer by transferring money to the Executor’s settlement account or by cash deposit to the Executor’s cash desk.

4.4. The Customer is entitled to take advantage of third-party installment payment offers for the service posted on the Website. All installment obligations are between the Customer and said third parties. For the purposes of the execution of this contract, only the amount of money actually paid to the Contractor by the Customer shall be taken into account.

4.5. Services are provided at the Contractor’s premises or online (using the Internet). The format and other terms and conditions of the service are specified in the description of the service on the Website.

4.6. To fulfill its obligations, the Contractor shall be entitled to engage any third parties without prior agreement with the Customer. The contractor is responsible for their actions as if they were their own.

4.7. In the event of the Customer’s withdrawal from the contract prior to the commencement of the service:
a) in case of partial prepayment by the Customer – the Contractor shall refund the amount of the partial prepayment made
b) in case of full payment – the Contractor shall return the full amount of the payment made.

4.8. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract at any time during the period of service. In this case, the amount of money to be refunded to the Customer and is calculated depending on the selected service:

4.8.1. For a service that the customer receives in a customized format the refund is calculated using the following formula:
A = P – (P / T * N), where
A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer
P – prepayment made by the Customer
T – total number of planned tasks
N – number of tasks sent for review at the time of submitting an application for early termination of the contract
4.8.2. For all other service delivery formats, the refund is calculated using the following formula:
A = P – (P / T * N), where
A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer
P – prepayment made by the Customer
T – total number of scheduled meetings
N – number of past meetings at the time of application for early termination of the contract

4.9. The date of termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Customer shall be the date of submission to the Contractor of an application for unilateral withdrawal from the Contract. The refund for unused services shall be made from the date of termination of the Contract.

4.10. The application for unilateral withdrawal from the contract must be made in writing and sent to the Contractor by e-mail or by Russian mail. The Contractor undertakes to return the funds to him within 30 (thirty) days in the amount stipulated in this contract. The application for unilateral withdrawal from the contract shall contain the Customer’s bank details.

4.11. The service shall be deemed to have been rendered in full and the monetary funds shall not be refunded if the period of service rendering is completed and no application for unilateral withdrawal from the contract and refund has been received from the Customer during the period of service rendering.

4.12. In case of observance of the terms stipulated by the contract for the return of monetary amounts to the Customer, no interest shall be charged on them.

4.13. If the Customer violates the terms of payment for services, the Contractor shall have the right to suspend the provision of services or refuse to fulfill the contract unilaterally out of court.

4.14. In case of impossibility to render services, which occurred due to the Customer’s fault, the Contractor’s services shall be paid in full (clause 2 of article 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).


4.1. The Contractor shall provide the services as described on the Website.

4.2. If the meeting is canceled, the Contractor shall notify the Customer at least 1 (one) day prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.

4.3. If the meeting is canceled on the initiative of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be obliged to reschedule it for another time, or return to the Customer the money for the canceled meeting in the amount of its cost.

4.4. In case the service is provided in the online format, the Customer shall independently provide himself/herself with everything necessary for connection (software, Internet access devices, stable Internet connection, etc.). The necessary Technical Requirements are set out on the Website.

4.5. The Contractor undertakes to inform the Customer about his level of information assimilation.

4.6. It is the customer’s responsibility to attend all appointments and complete assignments in a timely manner. The Contractor shall ensure the possibility for the Customer to attend the meetings and shall be deemed to have duly fulfilled its obligations in case the Customer misses these meetings.

4.7. The provider has the right to make audio and video recordings of meetings in order to control attendance and quality of service delivery.

4.8. The Contractor shall have the right to use any personal and other data provided by the Customer when filling out an application on the Website for the purpose of sending him information and promotional materials. By submitting an application on the Website, the Customer gives his consent to the processing of his personal data for the purpose of performing this contract.

4.9. The Parties undertake to fulfill this contract properly and for its non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment shall bear responsibility provided by this contract and the current legislation.

4.10. If no complaints are received from the Customer within 3 (three) working days after the service has been rendered, the Contractor’s services shall be considered accepted in full without any remarks.

4.11. The Parties shall be released from liability for partial or full non-fulfillment of obligations under this contract, if such non-fulfillment was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the contract as a result of events of extraordinary nature, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances include events that the parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, for example: natural disasters, extraordinary social events (war, mass riots, etc.), governmental decrees or orders of state bodies that make it impossible to realize the occupation.


5.1. A certificate of completion will be issued after the service is rendered if one of the following conditions is met:

a) The customer has paid for the service in full, mastered 70% or more of the material, completed all assignments and received feedback from the supervisor.
c) The customer has fully paid for the service, handed over and defended the final work.

5.2. The customer has the right to pay for additional meetings with the supervisor, complete them and receive a certificate.

5.3. In case of failure to complete all assignments within the term of the service, the Customer shall have the right to submit missing assignments to the Contractor within ten (10) working days from the date of the last meeting.

5.4. The Contractor shall, at the option of the Customer, send the Certificate of Completion to the Customer by e-mail or hand it over in person.

5.5. In case of any changes in his/her personal data required for issuance of the certificate, the Customer undertakes to inform about it not later than within 2 (two) days from the last meeting with the supervisor.


6.1. The Customer is informed that all materials provided by the Contractor (including the program, videos, written assignments and demonstration materials) are protected by copyright. The Customer undertakes not to transfer or distribute the said materials, not to use them for profit.

6.2. The Customer is informed that according to Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in case of infringement of its rights to intellectual property objects, the Contractor is entitled to demand compensation in the amount from 10 thousand to 5 million rubles, determined at the discretion of the court based on the nature of the infringement.

6.3. The Customer agrees that the Contractor has the right to place any of the works performed by him on his Website or other information resources for advertising or any other purposes (including the Contractor has the right to use the works performed in the preparation of materials for the provision of the service). In this case, the Contractor specifies the Customer as the author of the work.

6.4. The Customer undertakes not to reproduce, repeat, copy, sell or use for any purpose the information and materials made available to him in connection with the provision of the Services, except for personal use directly by the Customer without providing any form of access to any third party.


7.1. The parties have agreed that all legally significant communications may be transmitted by them by e-mail. The e-mail address to which communications should be sent to the Contractor shall be: sale@skillsupschool.ru. The e-mail address to which communications shall be sent to the Customer shall be the address provided by the Customer when completing the application on the Website.

7.2. The parties undertake to inform each other within a reasonable period of time of any change of telephone number and e-mail address.

7.3. The relations between the parties not regulated by this agreement shall be governed by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.4. All disputes from this contract shall be settled by claim procedure. The deadline for reviewing the claim is ten (10) business days from the date of receipt.

7.5. In case of impossibility to settle disagreements in a claim procedure, the dispute shall be referred to the court for resolution. All disputes are considered on the territory of the Russian Federation, at the location of the Contractor (including when the Customer is outside Russia).


Individual entrepreneur Azat Mansurovich Nurgaleev Nurgaleev

Registered by Interdistrict Federal Tax Service No. 10 for the Leningrad Region under OGRN 317470400004401

Address: St. Petersburg, Uralskaya St., 1B, BC “AkademiA”

Working hours: daily from 11:00 to 22:00

Phone: 8 (812) 565 05 10


Appendix No. 1

to the Agreement – offer of compensated rendering of services “SUMMER 2022 Campaign”

dated 06/17/2022.

Main terms and conditions of the “SUMMER 2022 Promotion”

Promotion period : 17.06.2022 to 30.06.2022.

Participant of the action (Customer) – any capable natural person aged 18 years and older.

The condition of the campaign is to purchase several services simultaneously (at least 2 (two)) with a discount from 20 to 35%, depending on the number of services in the package. Additional discount from 20% to 35% does not apply to the packages offered by the Contractor, formed by the Participating Contractor (Package “2D Artist Profession”, Package “3D Artist”). Package “3D Artist” , Package “3D Artist” Package “LITE”, Package “AnatomY”).

The customer agrees to enroll:

  • for services rendered in “Offline” format (in St. Petersburg and/or Moscow) not later than 31.08.2022.
  • There are no enrollment restrictions on the Online format.
  • The customer undertakes to receive the service (online/offline format) in full no later than 31.12.2023.

Additional terms and conditions:

Discounts do not stack with other promotions and do not apply to previously booked services.

Discounts for offline services in Moscow and St. Petersburg are valid for the period “September 2022 – January 2023”

The Executor has the right to refuse to provide the Customer with services purchased during the Promotion period, if the purchased services are not suitable for the Customer in terms of level, when the portfolio is agreed upon by the curator. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to recommend a more suitable service to the Customer, which does not exceed the cost previously paid by the Customer, taking into account the discount (in percentage terms).

The Customer has the right to replace the purchased service with another one during the period from 17.06.2022 to 31.12.2023, before the beginning of the service, provided that the cost of the service does not exceed the cost of the replaced service, taking into account the discount received by the Customer (in percentage terms).

Other terms and conditions shall be governed by the contract of offer for the provision of services.

Appendix No. 2

to the Agreement -offer of compensated rendering of services “Action “Beta-test of Asynchronous Format” dated 24.10.2022.

Main terms and conditions of the “Asynchronous Format Beta Test” promotion”

Period of the campaign: from 28.10.2022 to 12.12.2022.

Participant of the action (Customer): any capable natural person aged 18 years and older.

Promotion terms: purchase of a service (one or several) for beta-testing of the new Asynchronous (customized) format with a discount from 20 to 47%, depending on the purchased service.

The customer undertakes to determine the time of the beginning of the service no later than 11.12.2022

The term of the service (asynchronous online format) is up to and including 04/25/2023.

Additional terms and conditions:

* Additional discounts are not available for services purchased under the “Asynchronous Format Beta Test Promotion”.

* Discounts are not combined with other promotions and do not apply to previously purchased services.

The Executor has the right to refuse to provide the Customer with services purchased during the Promotion period, if the purchased services are not suitable for the Customer in terms of level, when the portfolio is agreed upon by the curator. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to recommend a more suitable service to the Customer, which does not exceed the cost previously paid by the Customer, taking into account the provided discount (in percentage terms)

The customer has the right to receive service between 10/28/2022 and 12/10/2022 prior to receiving service. replace the purchased service with another service similar to the one participating in the “Asynchronous Format Beta Test” promotion, provided that the cost of the service does not exceed the cost of the replaced service, taking into account the discount received by the Customer (in percentage terms . If the cost exceeds the payment made, the Customer shall pay the difference in cost.

Terms and conditions of termination of contract:

1) The Customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract unilaterally out of court at any time during the validity of the contract.

2) Seats are limited. Upon prepayment/prepayment, the Contractor undertakes to reserve a place for the Customer. In case of the Customer’s withdrawal from the contract before the start of the service, the Customer shall be obliged to pay the Contractor for the services of booking a place:

*In case of partial prepayment – in the amount of the partial prepayment made, but not more than 5,000 (five thousand) rubles;

* in case of full prepayment – in the amount of 15% (fifteen percent) of the amount of full prepayment.

3) The amount of money to be refunded to the Customer, in case the Customer initiates the refund after the start of the service, shall be calculated according to the following formula:

A = P – (P / T * N), where

A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer

P – prepayment made by the Customer

T – total number of planned tasks

N – the number of tasks included in the program sent for verification at the moment of submitting an application for early termination of the contract

Other terms and conditions shall be governed by the contract of offer for the provision of services.

Appendix No. 3

to the Agreement – offer of compensation for services rendering Black Friday 2022 Campaign

dated 11/15/2022.

Main terms and conditions of the Black Friday 2022 Campaign

Promotion period: from 06.00 a.m. to 23.00 p.m. 25.11.2022 – to 23 h. 59 min. 25.11.2022 г.

Participant of the action (Customer): any capable natural person aged 18 years and older.

Terms of the promotion:

Purchase of one or more services with a discount from 10% to 45%, depending on the number of services purchased. Discounts from 10% to 45% are not valid for the packages formed by the Contractor (2D Artist Package, 3D Artist Package). Package “2D Artist”, Package “3D Artist”, Package “LITE”, Package “Master of Drawing”). Package “2D Artist”, Package “3D Artist”, Package “LITE”, Package “Master of Drawing”).

Payment for the Black Friday 2022 promotion can be made on the official website https://skillsupschool.ru/salespack/.

Payment Options:

(a) 100% payment

b) Skills Up School 50%/50% installment plan (the first payment of 50% of the order amount is due by 11 p.m.). 59 min. 25.11.2022, the second installment of 50% of the amount shall be paid by the Customer not later than 23.59 hrs. 59 min. December 26, 2022).

c) Installments from Partner Banks (application is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on November 25, 2022)

Other payment options, incl. offsetting of funds paid earlier to the Contractor is impossible.

Promo codes are applied to the first payment. Customers are solely responsible for ensuring that promo codes are entered correctly.

To purchase services above the Basic level, a portfolio must be coordinated with a personal manager. Based on the results of the portfolio review, the Provider reserves the right to refer the Client to another service or level.

Customer agrees to enroll for the purchased services (online/offline format) no later than 10/31/2023.

The discount for purchased services is valid until 31.10.2023. From 01.11.2023, the money remaining unspent on services purchased within the framework of the campaign “Black Friday 2022”, can be credited against payment for any service, at full cost, at the time of appointment.

The discount is given to the Customer provided that all services purchased during the Black Friday 2022 promotion are passed.

Additional terms and conditions:

  1. Discounts are not summarized with other promotions and do not apply to previously booked services, except for promo codes provided by the Contractor.
  2. The continuing discount is not valid for the Black Friday 2022 promotion.
  3. The Executor has the right to refuse the Customer to undergo the purchased service during the Promotion period, if the service is not suitable for the Customer in terms of level, when coordinating the portfolio. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to recommend a more suitable service for the Client.

Terms and conditions of termination of contract:

  1. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally out of court at any moment of receiving the service.
  2. Calculation of refunds, shall be made as of the date of receipt of the application for refund. Meetings missed at the Employer’s initiative shall be counted as passed by the Employer.
  3. When calculating the cost of refund, the rendered service is considered to be the service for which a place was provided to the Customer (a place was assigned to the Customer) and the rendering of the service is over as of the date of receipt of the application for refund.
  4. The calculation of refunds for the Black Friday 2022 promotion is as follows:

4.1. If the application for return is submitted before the beginning of the service provision, the Contractor is obliged to return the full amount of the paid money to the Customer.

4.2. If a claim for refund is filed during the first service of a purchased service, the amount of money to be refunded to the Customer shall be calculated according to the following formula:

A = P – (L+(M / T * N)), where

A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer

P – payment made by the Customer

L – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of all services rendered, as of the date the claim for refund is filed.

M – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of the service that is being provided at the time of filing the claim for a refund

T is the total number of scheduled appointments for the service being provided at the time the return is filed.

N is the number of past appointments (the service being provided at the time the return is filed).

When calculating the refund amount, the service fee in effect on the date of the refund application is taken into account. Excluding the discount provided by the Black Friday 2022 promotion.

Other terms and conditions are governed by the contract of offer for the provision of services.

Appendix No. 4

to the Agreement -offer of compensation for services rendering Promotion “Express packages”

dated 03/26/2023.

Basic conditions of the Promotion “Express Packages”

Promotion period: from 00h. 00 min.27.03.2023 – to 23h. 59 min. 09.04.2023

Participant of the action (Customer): any capable natural person aged 18 years and older.

Terms of the promotion:

Purchase of an express service package with a discount from 10% to 43%, depending on the composition of services in the package. Discounts are not valid for other services of the Contractor, including. packages formed by the Contractor (2D Artist Package, 3D Artist Package). Package “2D Artist”, Package “3D Artist”, Package “LITE”, Package “Master of Drawing”). Package “2D Artist”, Package “3D Artist”, Package “LITE”, Package “Master of Drawing”).

Payment for the “Express Packages” promotion is made on the official website https://sale.skillsupschool.ru/express

Payment Options:

(a) 100% payment

b) Installments from Partner Banks (application to be submitted no later than 23.59 hrs 09.04.2023).

Other payment options, incl. offsetting of funds paid earlier to the Contractor is impossible. Promo codes are not valid for express packages offered in the promotion.

Customer agrees to enroll for the purchased services (online format) no later than 08/31/2023.

Discounts on services purchased by the Customer during the “Express Packages” promotion are valid until 08/31/2023.

Effective 01/09/2023, monies remaining unspent on services purchased under the “Express Packages” promotion may be credited toward the cost of any service, at full price, at the time of enrollment.

The Customer’s discount is subject to all services purchased during the Packages Express Promotion.

Additional terms and conditions:

  1. Discounts do not stack with other promotions and do not apply to previously booked services.
  2. Continuer’s discount is not valid in the “Express Packages” promotion.
  3. The Executor has the right to refuse the Customer to undergo the purchased service during the Promotion period, if the service is not suitable for the Customer in terms of level, when coordinating the portfolio. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to recommend a more suitable service for the Client.

Terms and conditions of termination of contract:

  1. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally out of court at any moment of receiving the service.
  2. Calculation of refunds, shall be made as of the date of receipt of the application for refund. Meetings missed at the Employer’s initiative shall be counted as passed by the Employer.
  3. When calculating the cost of refund, the rendered service is considered to be the service for which a place was provided to the Customer (a place was assigned to the Customer) and the rendering of the service is over as of the date of receipt of the application for refund.
  4. The calculation of the cashback for the “Packages Express” promotion, is as follows:

4.1.If the application for refund is submitted before the beginning of the service provision, the Contractor is obliged to return the full amount of the paid money to the Customer.

4.2. If a claim for refund is filed during the first service of a purchased service, the amount of money to be refunded to the Customer shall be calculated according to the following formula:

A = P – (L+(M / T * N)), where

A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer

P – payment made by the Customer

L – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of all services rendered, as of the date the claim for refund is filed.

M – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of the service that is being provided at the time of filing the claim for a refund

T is the total number of scheduled appointments for the service being provided at the time the return is filed.

N is the number of past appointments (the service being provided at the time the return is filed).

When calculating the amount of the refund, the service fee in effect on the date of the refund application is taken into account. Excluding the discount given under the Packages Express promotion.

Other terms and conditions are governed by the contract of offer for the provision of services.

Appendix No. 5

to the Agreement – offer of paid services rendering The action “SPRING 2023” from 22.05.2023.

Main terms and conditions of the “SPRING 2023” Campaign

Period of the action: from 11h. 00min. 22.05.2023 – by 23h. 59 min. 31.05.2023 г.

Participant of the action (Customer): any capable natural person aged 18 years and older.

Terms of the promotion:

Purchase of several services simultaneously (at least 2(two)) with a discount from 25% to 35%, depending on the number of services in the package. The additional discount from 25% to 35% does not apply to the packages of services formed by the Contractor and participating in the campaign (2D Artist Package, 3D Artist Package, LITE Package, Master of Drawing Package, Junior Artist Package, and express services). Package “2D Artist”, Package “3D Artist”, Package “LITE”, Package “Master of Drawing”, Package “Junior Artist”), as well as for express services.

Payment for services under the campaign “SPRING 2023” is made on the official website https://skillsupschool.ru/vesna2023.

Payment Options:

(a) 100% payment

b) Skills Up School 50%/50% installment plan (the first payment of 50% of the order amount is due by 11 p.m.). 59 min. May 31, 2023, the second installment of 50% of the amount shall be paid by the Customer no later than 11:59 pm. 59 min. June 30, 2023).

c) Installments from Partner Banks (application to be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2023)

Other payment options, incl. offsetting of funds paid earlier to the Contractor is impossible.

Promo codes issued at quest.skillsupschool.ru apply to the first payment. Customers are solely responsible for ensuring that the promo code is entered correctly.

To purchase services above the Basic level, a portfolio must be coordinated with a personal manager. Based on the results of the portfolio review, the Provider reserves the right to refer the Client to another service or level.

The Customer undertakes to enroll for the purchased services (online/offline format) no later than 01.08.2024.

Discounts for services purchased by the Customer during the “SPRING 2023” campaign are valid until 01.08.2024.

Effective 02/08/2024, monies remaining unspent on services purchased under the SPRING 2023 promotion may be credited toward the cost of any service, at full price, at the time of enrollment.

The Customer’s discount is subject to all services purchased during the SPRING 2023 Promotion.

A Customer discount is given if all services are completed by a single Customer.

Additional terms and conditions:

  1. Discounts are not summarized with other promotions and do not apply to previously booked services, except for promo codes provided by the Contractor on the website quest.skillsupschool.ru.
  2. Continuer’s discount is not valid in the SPRING 2023 promotion.
  3. The Executor has the right to refuse the Customer to undergo the purchased service during the Promotion period, if the service is not suitable for the Customer in terms of level, when coordinating the portfolio. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to recommend a more suitable service for the Client.

Terms and conditions of termination of contract:

  1. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally out of court at any moment of receiving the service.
  2. Calculation of refunds, shall be made as of the date of receipt of the application for refund. Meetings missed at the Employer’s initiative shall be counted as passed by the Employer.
  3. When calculating the cost of refund, the rendered service is considered to be the service for which a place was provided to the Customer (a place was assigned to the Customer) and the rendering of the service is over as of the date of receipt of the application for refund.
  4. Calculation of cash refunds for the “SPRING 2023” promotion, is as follows:

4.1.If the application for refund is submitted before the beginning of the service provision, the Contractor is obliged to return the full amount of the paid money to the Customer.

4.2. If a claim for refund is filed during the first service of a purchased service, the amount of money to be refunded to the Customer shall be calculated according to the following formula:

A = P – (L+(M / T * N)), where

A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer

P – payment made by the Customer

L – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of all services rendered, as of the date the claim for refund is filed.

M – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of the service that is being provided at the time of filing the claim for a refund

T is the total number of scheduled appointments for the service being provided at the time the return is filed.

N is the number of past appointments (the service being provided at the time the return is filed).

When calculating the amount of the refund, the service fee in effect on the date of the refund application is taken into account. Excluding the discount provided under the SPRING 2023 Promotion.

Other terms and conditions are governed by the contract of offer for services rendered on a fee-for-service basis

Appendix No. 6

to the Agreement – offer of compensation for services rendering Black Friday 2023 Campaign

dated 10/11/2023.

Basic terms of the Black Friday 2023 Promotion

Promotion period: 10.11.2023 – 30.11.2023.

Participant of the action (Customer): any capable natural person aged 18 years and older.

Terms of the promotion:

Purchase of one or more services with a discount from 10% to 45%, depending on the number of services purchased. Discounts are available for all services.

Payment for the Black Friday 2023 promotion can be made on the official website https://skillsupschool.ru/.

Payment Options:

(a) 100% payment

b) Skills Up School 50%/50% installment plan (the first payment of 50% of the order amount is due by 11 p.m.). 59 min. 30.11.2023, the second installment of 50% of the amount shall be paid by the Customer not later than 23.59 hrs. 59 min. December 30, 2023).

c) Installment payments from Partner Banks (application to be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2023)

Other payment options, incl. offsetting of funds paid earlier to the Contractor is impossible.

To purchase services above the Basic level, a portfolio must be coordinated with a personal manager. Based on the results of the portfolio review, the Provider reserves the right to refer the Client to another service or level.

Discount on purchased services applies:

  • For packages (Master Drawing Package, Junior 2D Artist Package, Junior 3D Artist Package, Junior Artist Package for Beginners, Zero to Figure Package, Human Drawing Package) – up to 30. 06.2025г. Customer agrees to enroll for these services by 30. 06.2025г.
  • On professions 3D Artist, 2D Artist – until 31.12.2025. The Customer undertakes to enroll for these services until 31.12.2025.
  • For other services – until 31.10.2024. The Customer undertakes to sign up for these services until 31.10.2024.

Any monies remaining unspent on services purchased during the Black Friday 2023 promotion may be credited toward the cost of any service, at full price, at the time of enrollment.

The discount is given to the Customer provided that all services purchased during the Black Friday 2023 promotion are passed. In case of refusal to provide services at the initiative of the Customer, the services shall be deemed to have been rendered at full cost (excluding discount) at the time of execution of the application for refund.

Additional terms and conditions:

  1. Black Friday 2023 discounts do not add up with other promotions and special offers (exception: curator promo code and personal promo code), and do not apply to previously purchased services.
  2. The continuing discount is not valid for the Black Friday 2022 promotion.
  3. The Executor has the right to refuse the Customer to undergo the purchased service during the Promotion period, if the service is not suitable for the Customer in terms of level, when coordinating the portfolio. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to recommend a more suitable service for the Client.

Terms and conditions of termination of contract:

  1. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally out of court at any moment of receiving the service.
  2. Calculation of refunds, shall be made as of the date of receipt of the application for refund.
  3. Meetings missed at the Employer’s initiative shall be counted as passed by the Employer.
  4. When calculating the cost of refund, the rendered service is considered to be the service for which a place was provided to the Customer (a place was assigned to the Customer) and the rendering of the service is over as of the date of receipt of the application for refund.
  5. The calculation of refunds for the Black Friday 2023 promotion is as follows:

4.1. If the application for return is submitted before the beginning of the service provision, the Contractor is obliged to return the full amount of the paid money to the Customer.

4.2. If the application for refund is submitted in the process of rendering the service, the amount of money to be refunded to the Customer shall be calculated according to the following formula:

A = P – (L+(M / T * N)), where

A – the amount of money to be returned to the Customer

P – payment made by the Customer

L – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of all services rendered, as of the date the claim for refund is filed.

M – The full cost (excluding the promotional discount) of the service that is being provided at the time of filing the claim for a refund

T is the total number of scheduled appointments for the service being provided at the time the return is filed.

N is the number of past appointments (the service being provided at the time the return is filed).

When calculating the refund amount, the service fee in effect on the date of the refund application is taken into account. Excluding the discount provided by the Black Friday 2023 promotion.

Other terms and conditions are governed by the contract of offer for the provision of services.